Our Team (profiles with job description of IWAK team/leadership)

Section: Our Team


Committee members are responsible for welcoming newcomers, organising social and cultural events, charity work, maintaining membership database, advertising, public relations, as well as managing IWAK website and publishing our monthly Newsletter.

Everyone is invited to bring their own skills to IWAK and to help run the association.  All committee members and coordinators are volunteers.

IWAK team 2022 – 2023

Name                 Title Responsibility
Anna Meysztowicz President General operations management
Kasia Gates Vice President Administrative support, charity, events
Mercedes Oyuela Treasurer Financial management, accounting
Deborah Draijer Communications Officer External relations, maintenance of members’ database, emails
Kim Bos Newcomers & Memberships Management of the application process, hosting newcomers’ events
Vasylisa Badan Newsletter Editor  Editor-in-chief of IWAK monthly online publication