Are you an expatriate woman, a newcomer, or a resident of Kraków seeking to explore more and interested in the international connections? Join IWAK (International Women’s Association of Kraków) and become part of our vibrant and inclusive community. To become a member, all you need to do is follow our Code of Conduct.

As a potential member of IWAK, you’ll enjoy a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded women and expand your personal network.
  • Community Engagement: Engage in activities that celebrate diversity, promote cultural exchange, and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Reading Club: Dive into captivating books, share insights, and join discussions with fellow book enthusiasts.
  • Travel & Culture: Explore the world’s cultures and traditions through themed events and activities.
  • Moms Club: Connect with fellow mothers and share the joys and challenges of parenthood.
  • Arts group: Participate in workshops, visit museums, and explore galleries, adding a vibrant artistic dimension to your membership.

But that’s not all! We understand that taking the first step to join a community can be a big decision. That’s why we offer regular newcomer meetings, where you can meet long-time members, find answers to your questions, and receive helpful tips about life in Kraków.

These gatherings also provide a great opportunity to get to know us and get a taste of what IWAK is all about. So whether you’re new in town or simply looking to enrich your experience in Kraków, we invite you to explore IWAK and join us on this empowering journey.

New members can join IWAK by:

§ IWAK Code of Conduct

As a diverse group of internationally experienced women, encompassing various cultures, ages, and backgrounds, IWAK is dedicated to fostering connections and friendships among women while enjoying our shared city. We also commit to supporting our local community through charity work, volunteering, and fundraising efforts.

In alignment with these principles, our members shall:

  1.   Share and Connect with Respect:

    Members shall engage in open dialogue, sharing knowledge, experiences, interests, and offering advice or guidance with humility, kindness, and respect. We encourage open and respectful discussions that embrace diverse perspectives, valuing every member’s voice.

  2.   Non-Commercial, Non-Religious, and Non-Political:

    IWAK is a non-commercial, non-religious, and non-political community. Discriminatory behaviors such as racism and homophobia contradict the positive and open spirit of this Association and will not be tolerated. Members are encouraged to report such behaviors to a committee member for appropriate action.

  3.   RSVP with Conviction:

    When responding to Facebook events, please choose either “Going” or “No” to facilitate effective event planning and assist the host in estimating attendance. Your commitment and clarity are appreciated. In case of cancellation, kindly do so no later than 48 hours before the event.

  4.   Inclusive Environment:

    All interactions within our community shall be inclusive, welcoming, and free from discrimination.

  5.   Member Accountability:

    If the committee receives two or more valid complaints regarding a member’s inappropriate behavior, which is in violation of our rules and values, the committee may initiate a review process that may result in the exclusion of the member from our community. We encourage open communication and resolution of issues whenever possible before resorting to this measure.

  6.   Self-Expression:

    Members are encouraged to freely express their thoughts, ideas, and creativity within the community while respecting the viewpoints of others. If you have event or activity ideas, please reach out to our Communications team for consideration.

This Code of Conduct serves as our shared commitment to maintain a welcoming, respectful, and vibrant community. By upholding these principles, we ensure that IWAK remains a place where friendship, support, and positive impact flourish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why join IWAK?
At IWAK, we are dedicated to bringing together women from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive community where women can connect, forge friendships, learn, and grow while making a positive impact.

What kind of women belong to IWAK?
Our members come from different countries worldwide. We strive to be as inclusive as possible.

Do I have to speak English to join?
While official business is conducted in English, you do not have to be fluent to join or to enjoy our many activities.

I work full-time. Do you have anything for me?
We strive to plan a variety of events to accommodate different schedules.

Who can I contact with further questions?
Email us at