
Spotlight on the Committee – Interview with Leonie Mueller

What’s your story? I was born in South Africa and spent an idyllic childhood in many cities there. After completing Nursing Studies, I went to England, via Israel, where I hoped to study further. I got side-tracked, in a good way, working for an international non-profit organisation and met my […]

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Spotlight on the Committee – Interview with Anna Mey

What’s your story? I am a Polish-Australian who was born in Warsaw, grew up in Australia, and ended up in Kraków. I am a writer, translator and proofreader, a dancer and a traveller. I am also a mother of two, a wife of one, who loves reading, dancing, meeting new […]

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The Local Experience: Sweden

The the country of ABBA, IKEA, H&M, Pippi Longstocking, Lingonberries and so much more! In this article I will let you in on some facts about Sweden that you might not know about, some of the reasons why I miss my country, and what to look for if you plan a trip there that […]

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The Local Experience: Belgium

Belgium is a tiny country packed full of sights. We are known for our many beautiful cities and countryside, fashion, diamonds, delicious food,… You can read all about the touristic highlights of our country online (they are all really worth a visit!), but I’d love to tell you some of […]

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Pickle and the (Polish) City

A melting pot? A salad bowl? We are perfectly familiar with all those expressions that are so frequently used to describe a rich mixture of people of different origin sharing the same place that can be wonderfully called home. Can Poland be a pot in which you can join other […]

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The story of Carnations and Tights

Here in Poland the International Women’s Day is more commonly celebrated than in many of its neighbouring Western countries. And although nowadays roses are the more elegant gift, Poles seemingly have a thing with carnations… and tights! We asked a Polish guestwriter, Żaneta Piętak to shed some light on this special […]

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Polish Heroines: Irena Sendler

On October 19, 1965 a tree was planted at the entrance to the Avenue of the Righteous in Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. The plaque bore the name: Irena Sendler. For the next 34 years this remained the only public recogni-tion for one of […]

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Polish Culture: Independence Day

Poland’s Independence Day – commemorating the country’s regained inde-pendence on 11th November 1918 after 123 years of partitions and rule by Russia, Prussia and Austria – is one of the most important national holidays in Poland. The state holiday was formally introduced in 1937, but soon after it was banned […]

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Polish Heroines: Helena Rubinstein

Krakow never disappoints those who have a keen ear for its tales and an inquisitive eye for its lesser-known sites. Take a walk down Szeroka Street in the heart of Kazimierz and stop for a minute at #12 amid the leisurely crowds of tourists, diners and passers-by. Do you hear […]

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