IWAK webadmin

Looking back & looking forward ..2023-24

See our presentation about this IWAK year 23-24 ⇓

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Brunches in Kraków

See Anna Meysztowicz’s presentation on IWAK Brunches ⇓

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Looking back & looking forward ..2022-23

2023 marked a transformative year for IWAK, transitioning from a non-profit organization to a much lighter community setup. We evolved from exclusively welcoming expats to embracing internationally-minded women of diverse backgrounds. Our shift from paid memberships to voluntary participation reflects our commitment to inclusivity. The move from a traditional leadership […]

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No membership fees starting from October !

Dear Ladies, starting from October 1st 2023, IWAK is no longer taking any membership fees until further notice. All the membership fees previously taken from our members in August-September 2023 shall be returned to whomever paid them. IWAK

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Picnic Adventure at the Horse Farm: IWAK’s Day Out 

June 3, 2023 Krakow, Poland – IWAK, an organization dedicated to providing support and a sense of community to expats in this vibrant city, recently organized a delightful day out at a local horse riding farm. This outing, which took place on a sunny Saturday, provided IWAK members with the […]

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Ninety Minutes of Pleasure: My Visit at Fast Line Salon

As soon as I found out that Mariya Terekhova owns a beauty salon called Fast Line Studio, which specialises in 90-minute hair/mani/pedi combos – I was intrigued! Perhaps it’s rare but I do NOT love spending 2-3 hours at the hairdresser. The last time I had a pedicure done (without […]

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‘Let It Glow’ Festive Fundraiser for Kraków’s Animal Shelter

For a Committee member the IWAK Christmas event already starts in September. While members are still enjoying Indian summer days, we prepare for what is to come. We visit different locations, try their food, feel the atmosphere and approach the owners and managers for offers. Meanwhile our feelers run overtime […]

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IWAK Charity October Update

IWAK is thrilled to share the news that we have allocated the remaining funds generously donated to us to help Ukrainians in the face of war to purchasing two pairs of excellent quality winter boots for soldiers, and making a cash donation towards the endless needs of the Refugee Point […]

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Nowa Huta Tour

Nowa Huta, which literally means “New Steelworks”, was founded in 1949 just to the east of Kraków. It was built as a brand new town to accommodate almost 40,000 steel workers and their families in the most ambitious project of urban planning in post-war Poland. At the heart of this […]

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IWAK Memories

My phone beeps with Facebook messages. One of them is from the IWAK’s Walking Group. The group plans a walking meeting and coffee afterwards somewhere in one of the crackingly cosy Kraków cafés. Familiar faces will be attending. There seems to be also one new member, whom I have not […]

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