IWAK webadmin

2021/2022 IWAK Events Overview

Looking back on the IWAK year we are energised and filled with pride! Starting small after two years of pandemic disruptions, we are growing steadily as a community and despite the challenges, have managed a year full of all types of interesting, fun, and even crazy events and outings! All […]

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2021/2022 IWAK Charity Overview

This has been an extraordinary year for us with charitable and volunteering activities. Despite always being part of IWAK’s mission, the past 4 months have seen our charity work become an integral and prominent part of our planning and co-ordinating activities, since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. However, […]

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IWAK in support of the “Hotel to Housing Project” by The Worship Center

Your IWAK Committee has put a lot of time, thought and research into how we can best consolidate the power of our collective communities in order to make a focused, direct and significant impact for the betterment of the lives of the displaced people fleeing the war in Ukraine. We […]

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Ye Olde Charity Christmas Banquet

In the full spirit of the festive season, IWAK’s Ye Olde Charity Christmas Banquet took place at Jarema Restaurant, a 40 year old Kraków gem. We welcomed 30 guests in this stylish venue, for a four course traditional Polish Christmas feast and the food, drinks and conversations flowed. With our […]

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2 Reasons To Travel In Low Season

How many times during the entire year have you thought about relaxing on a sunny beach, then patiently wait for the summer holidays to do so? Unfortunately, July and August, being high seasons months almost everywhere in the world, bring – together with hot, sunny days – lots of crowded […]

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IWAK Pandemic Overview – 2020/21

Needless to say, the last IWAK year, and the end of the previous one, have been a challenge! A social organisation based on organising regular events and activities for our members, we were suddenly forced indoors often with Zoom as our only option… no more regular coffee mornings, parties, museum […]

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IWAK Charity update

This year IWAK has been supporting the Centrum Praw Kobiet (Women’s Rights Centre) with financial and in-kind donations! THANKS go to all of our members who have generously donated too many items to mention! These include bedding, clothes, baby furniture, cleaning products and cosmetics, kitchen goods, irons, kettle, laptop, and many more, to […]

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New IWAK Year

Dear Ladies! The new IWAK year is just around the corner! Here is some important information for you: Your membership will be confirmed on payment of your dues by end of September (100 zlotys to be paid preferably by bank transfer to the International Women’s Association of Kraków, account no […]

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Cracovian Sculpted Bestiaries

If you would like to take a walk, but need some motivation, perhaps you’ll find it here? I have a proposal for those who would like to exercise mindfulness and perceptiveness during short city walks around the Old City of Kraków. If you take a close look at some entrances […]

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Happy Stones Kraków

Two of our IWAK ladies have launched a creative, interactive project. Find out more here and feel free to join in! Stones that make you happy. Made in our beautiful Kraków and left to find at Jordana Park. If you find one, please post a message and photo to our page […]

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